Kirthigai natchathiram of the Tamil month of Aadi is dedicated to Lord Muruga (Karthikeya / Subramanya), son of Shiva and Parvathi. The festival celebrated on this day is known as Aadi Kaarthigai also spelled Aadi Kiruthigai or Aadi Krithikai. It is predominantly a Tamil festival popular among the Tamil population. Aadi Kirthigai 2022 is on July 23, Saturday There are also two major festivals in Aadi month, Aadi Pooram on August 01, Monday, and Aadi Perukku, which takes place on August 03, Wednesday. Karthigai or Karthikai nakshatra comes every month and such days are marked by special pujas and rituals at all Lord Murugan temples. However, the Karthigai nakshatram of Aadi month receives special interest and is considered highly auspicious, because, the Sun starts its southward journey on Karka Sankranti ie., July 16. This marks the end of uttarayana period and the beginning of dakshinayana punyakalam. The events of Lord Muruga's birth is elaborated in the Skanda Purana, whe...