About Isha Yoga:
Isha Yoga Center is located in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. It is the largest Isha center in the world and offers various courses on meditation and other practices like Vipassana and Kinnergic Vidyalaya. If you are planning to visit this beautiful place for self-exploration or wish to take up one of their many courses, here’s how you can reach the Isha Yoga Center from Bengaluru. There are multiple modes of transportation available from Bengaluru to Coimbatore:
The nearest railway station to Coimbatore is Coimbatore Junction Railway Station. Bengaluru is connected to Coimbatore by multiple trains, with the fastest train being the KANYAKUMARI EXP (16526). This train takes 7 hours to reach Coimbatore. For a list of trains that travel between Bangalore and Coimbatore, check out the Indian Railways website.
The nearest airport to Coimbatore is Coimbatore International Airport. There are direct flights from both Bengaluru International Airport and Kempegowda International Airport to Coimbatore International Airport. The quickest flight from Bengaluru to Coimbatore is operated by Vistara (50 min). A list of airlines that operate from Bengaluru to Coimbatore is given below: Air India, Indigo, SpiceJet, Vistara
If you wish to travel to Coimbatore by road, there are multiple ways you can reach Coimbatore from Bengaluru. You can take the Bengaluru-Coimbatore National Highway. The distance between Bengaluru and Coimbatore on this route is 538 km. For a list of toll charges and driving directions from Bengaluru to Coimbatore, check out the Bangalore-Coimbatore Distance and Driving Directions.
If you wish to travel by bus, you can get Coimbatore bus from Bengaluru - Shanthi Nagar Bus Depot. There are multiple private bus operators ply between Bengaluru and Coimbatore.
If you wish to travel to Coimbatore by auto or taxi, you can use the Ola/Uber app to book a cab. The app lets you book a cab from Bengaluru to Coimbatore or from Coimbatore to Bengaluru.
The Economic way to reach Isha Yoga Center is by taking a train. If you don’t wish to take a train, you can also take a flight or take a bus or a taxi. If you are planning to visit Isha Yoga Center, you can use this article to help you choose the best mode of transportation to reach Coimbatore from Bangalore.
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